Friends of Charlie Waller

Helping young people to look after their mental health is more important than it has ever been. Right now thousands of young people and their families are struggling with their mental health.
By becoming a Friend of Charlie Waller and giving a regular donation, you can play a vital part in our work. Regular donations help us plan our work for the future. They also help us build critical relationships with parents and carers, schools, colleges, universities, and workplaces – the support network around the young person.
Together we can give young people and those who support them the tools to look after their mental health, and the confidence to seek help when they need it.
As a Friend of Charlie Waller, you will receive updates on our work, be first to hear about our exciting events, and have access to online sessions on popular mental health topics led by our experts.

£5 a month pays for 24 packs of resources for parents and carers – giving them crucial information and guidance to help them support a loved one or young person struggling with their mental health

£10 a month buys 15 books for our mental health Book Club – helping young children to learn about taking care of their wellbeing
£20 a month pays for 1,200 Wellbeing Action Plans for a school

£50 a month pays for 3,000 copies of our Parent’s Guide to Depression
£125 a month pays for 3 days’ mental health training in a school

£250 a month pays for a year’s development of our students against depression website content
I am the lead nurse for children and young people at my hospital; as such I have used many resources that Charlie Waller has provided, as well as receiving books from the book club. I really like the work that your team does and thought I should support in return for the assistance it has given me in my role. It is a well worthy cause and I felt I could support in a small way.
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The Charlie Waller Trust
The Charlie Waller Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales 1109984. A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales 5447902. Registered address: The Charlie Waller Trust, First Floor, 23 Kingfisher Court, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5SJ.
Copyright © 2025 The Charlie Waller Trust. All rights reserved.